Twin City Fan designs and builds many fans for the wide variety of air moving applications required by individual farmers and ranchers, as well as coops, food processors, and other agribusiness concerns. From harvesting, collection, conveying and drying, to processing, storing and packaging all types of agricultural products, Twin City Fan & Blower fans are used throughout the entire industry. We also have specially designed fans for ventilating poultry, hog and livestock containment areas. Twin City Fan can supply special materials and construction features required for the demanding service and harsh environments often encountered in these applications. Most of our fans are available with AMCA Spark Resistant Construction for the hazardous conditions that can exist in grain handling and dust collection. The types of fans and applications that we serve within the agricultural market include:
Seed Corn Dryers
Grain Dryers
Dust Collection and Separation
Pneumatic Conveying
Grain Storage Ventilation
Fruit and Vegetable Storage
Blast Freezing
Precise Climate Control
Packaging Plants
Freezers and Refrigeration
Livestock Ventilation
Hog Barns
Poultry Buildings
Horse Stables
Seed Genetics
Research Lab Exhaust
Animal Feed Production
Material Handling