AMCA 300 Sound Testing
TCF has added a 73,000 ft3, reverberant sound room to its test lab for the purpose of conducting sound performance tests per AMCA standard 300. This room is qualified for both broadband and pure tone sound measurement and used for developing fan sound level ratings, troubleshooting noise issues and performing contract testing.
For fans that are not able to be tested in our lab, TCF offers a modified AMCA 300 test guideline that can be performed at any of our manufacturing plants. This testing method utilizes principles from the standard that can be used outside of a reverberant sound room.
If the fan must be tested in the field, TCF can perform an on-site sound survey. Principles from AMCA 300 can be applied, but special considerations must be made to account for background noise, motor and drive noise and room geometry and construction.
Note: TCF’s test lab, the Brookings, SD manufacturing plant and all testing personnel are NQA certified for the sound performance testing of fans used in the nuclear power generation industry.